Data in these Tamiya Paint Conversion tables were collated from data provided by paint manufacturer's comparison charts. Mech9 makes no guarantees as to the veracity and accuracy of this data. Use at you own risk and peril. Also, most manufacturer's don't recommend mixing different paint types together (lacquer with acrylic, lacquer with enamel etc) as it might affect the final mixed paint. Kindly refer to the paint manufacturer's specific instructions for more information. If you want a "perfect" color match we would recommend using Tamiya paints from a different line, ex. Tamiya Enamel, Tamiya Acrylic, Tamiya Lacquer. Refer to this "How-to" on how to use these conversion tables.
- Tamiya Acrylic Paint (Gloss) Paint Conversion Table
- Tamiya Acrylic Paint (Flat) Paint Conversion Table
- Tamiya Lacquer Paint Conversion Table
- Tamiya Enamel Paint Conversion Table
- Tamiya Color Spray For Aircraft Conversion Table
- Tamiya Color Spray Paints Conversion Table
- Tamiya Spray (TS) Paints to Tamiya Paints Conversion Chart
For more paint conversion tables, kindly refer to this page