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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Thunderbird Shadow designed by Shoji Kawamori

Thunderbird Shadow designed by Shoji Kawamori

Was watching the latest episode of Thunderbirds Are Go and noticed this little tidbit in the credits. And true enough when I googled it, Shoji Kawamori of Macross fame did indeed design the Thunderbird Shadow of the character known as Kayo.

Thunderbird Shadow designed by Shoji Kawamori

No wonder it had that YF-29 Durandal and VF-27 Lucifer feel to it when I first saw it.

Thunderbird Shadow designed by Shoji Kawamori

The Thunderbird Shadow wasn't part of the original Thunderbirds series that came out in the 60's, but rather is a new addition to the 2015 reboot of the beloved franchise.

Thunderbird Shadow designed by Shoji Kawamori

I just love it when the things I love tie themselves together unexpectedly.