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Monday, February 8, 2010

Mr. Hobby Real Touch Marker

Was curious as to how to make those shadow effects on a plastic model kit when I ran across the real touch markers of Mr. Hobby. I translated first the color chart that was posted on the site.

How to Use Mr. Hobby Real Touch Marker Pen

Then translated also the instructions posted on the site on how to use it. Aside from the real touch marker, you will need some top coat and the GM-400 gradation pen (also referred to sometimes as Gundam Marker REAL TOUCH MARKER for SHADING). The manual recommends to use their brand of top coats, but I think every modelers favorite "cheapo" coat of Future floor wax will do. But don't take my word on that as I haven't tried it yet.

How to Use Mr. Hobby Real Touch Marker Pen

If you can't find this at your local hobby shop, the two sites that I see selling this for overseas customers are HWJapan and Hobby Link Japan. You can usually buy it individually or as a set pack. It sells for 1,200 yen at Hobby Link Japan and 1128 yen at HWJapan for a set pack including the GM400 gradation pen. I see some 3rd party sellers at Amazon selling it for $19.95 and $16.95.

After doing some more research on the web I found out that there are 2 usual methods of shading. One is pre-shading, the other is post-shading. With pre-shading, after putting on your primer you get a nice shading color (thinned black or grey usually that is darker than the primer coat) then apply it lightly with an airbrush on the panel lines and edges of the model kit. Afterwards you spray on the final color. With post shading, you spray on the primer and final color then you apply the shading color which is much-much lighter than the shading color used in the pre-shading technique. Since I don't have a compressor for an airbrush, using a Real Touch Marker might be the cheaper alternative.... or the only alternative economically viable for me *snicker*