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Monday, November 9, 2009

DIY Painting Clips Part II

Do It Yourself Painting Clips for model kits using Alligator Clips

Finally found some alligator clips in a hardware store that I could use to make some painting clips. Previously I had made some painting clips using some mini battery clips. Although it came out well, the price was a tad bit expensive. Using mini alligator clips however, the price for a four pack was just $0.60

The process is quite simple. First you get an alligator clip, then remove the protective insulation that covers it. This we do because we don't really need it and secondly because it could get in the way of the clip clamping onto the model part.

Do It Yourself Painting Clips for model kits using Alligator Clips: remove the insulation

Afterwards you just select a good strong rod to attach it too. I use barbecue sticks made out of bamboo shoots. After selecting a good sturdy stick, just slide the stick into the end of the alligator clip.

Do It Yourself Painting Clips for model kits using Alligator Clips: attaching the stick

With a pair of pliers, squeeze the soft metal back till it clamps on to the stick. Afterwards the two end triangles should be bent around the stick to further enhance the lock. Since it was such a good fit, there was no need anymore to reinforce it with cable tie, like I did with the mini battery clamps.

DIY Painting Clips Part II

All that was needed to do now was to give it a test run. This was done by doing a test spray on some Gundam foot part. The result came out well as the clamp attached firmly to the part without crushing it and the part did not fly away after being hit by the blast of the spray can.

DIY Painting Clips Part II: Test paint

One thing to keep in mind is that with the added mobility offered by the part being on the end of a painting clip there is a higher chance of your hands being hit by paint spray. Would be a good idea to add gloves to your painting paraphernalia. I use disposable vinyl gloves when I paint.