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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Star Wars Costumes for Sale

Star Wars Darth Vader Costume for sale

I always wanted to know how much those full size Star Wars costumes cost. Well now I know. I have to admit that there was a bit of sticker shock hitting me after seeing these prices, but it just gives me a new found respect for the people who do this because it is a testament to their devotion to the franchise.

The life size Darth Vader costume are available in XXL, XL, L and M sizes.

Star Wars Darth Vader Costume for saleStar Wars Darth Vader Costume for saleStar Wars Darth Vader Costume for saleStar Wars Darth Vader Costume for sale

Star Wars Darth Vader Costume for sale

The life size Storm Trooper costumes are available in XXL, XL and M sizes.

Star Wars Storm Trooper Costume for SaleStar Wars Storm Trooper Costume for SaleStar Wars Storm Trooper Costume for SaleStar Wars Storm Trooper Costume for Sale
Star Wars Storm Trooper Costume for Sale

If you are just looking for a good display piece in your collection, you could always go for just the helmets.

Darth Vader

Star Wars Darth Vader Helmet for sale

Kylo Ren

Star Wars Kylo Ren Helmet for sale

Storm Trooper

Star Wars Storm Trooper for sale