Monday, August 1, 2016
How to Keep your Paint Brush Tips Pointy
Nothing beats a good quality brush because they really keep their shape even after copious amounts of use and washing. Also their strands don't come off easily. However, we all can't have sable brushes (or other more expensive materials) because some of the uses don't justify the cost. I prefer to use cheap brushes for washes because they're supposed to end up being dirty anyway. Some washes however need brushes with fine tipped points in order to minimize cleaning afterwards.
Luckily a friend of mine taught me how to maintain cheap brushes so that they maintain their shape. The "secret sauce" in question is good old petroleum jelly.
Just dip the aforementioned brush in it, then using your fingers shape the brush head to it's original shape.
This is a preventive maintenance process in itself, as after use and washing your brush, you should dip it in petroleum jelly and shape it.
Nothing beats a good quality brush however in my opinion as they really last long. If in case anybody is wondering, I bought my cheap fine tipped brushes off of ebay from a seller in China, goes for cheap and comes with free shipping. Keep in mind however they are cheap, so I wouldn't assume that they would last very long or are entirely sturdy. A little 2 part epoxy glue, once in a while, helps keep them working *snicker*