Saturday, April 6, 2013
Revell 1/48 MiL-24D Hind Helicopter Finished Shots
Just finished building my 1/48 MiL-24D Hind Helicopter by Revell. Could have been done much sooner except that I decided to give up model kit building for a while as my sacrifice for the Christian Lenten season. Now that Lent is over I didn't waste any time completing this very beautiful kit.
First time for me to weather this kit using my wife's old make up kit. Cheapskate me didn't want to buy any Tamiya weathering kits *snicker*
I decided not to follow the official colors of this particular Hind, by substituting brown instead of green for the camouflage. I built a 1/72 Hind by Hasegawa before and I think I used brown for the camouflage colors. Or it could be that my memory is fading and I'm mistaking green for brown *snicker*
Definitely one of my most favorite builds because of the design and the chance to practice camouflaging again.
One other thing I experimented on with this kit is cleaning up the seam lines. Of course cheapskate me decided to use a water based wall putty that was lying around the house instead of using the number of generally accepted putty's for model kits...hehehe.
It worked out quite well really, once I was able to figure out the problem of how to deal with the shrinkage problem. Which was basically to apply the putty then to wipe off the excess the following day, allowing the putty to shrink over night into the recesses of the seam line.
I also loved the decals of this model kit. I was thinking of experimenting in applying some white vinegar to thin off the excess decals edges (which I read in some online forums) but upon seeing that the decals blended in completely with the body of the Hind there was no need.
After this build I'll jump to working on the Arii kits I got from HobbyLink Japan. Looking forward to building a simply put together kit with few parts but great detail.