Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Loving Pastel Weathering
Continuing with my Revell 1/48 Phantom II C/D build, I've decided to apply pastel weathering on it. This is the first time for me to do this and I have to say that I'm loving the results.
Before applying the pastel chalk powder, I applied first a coat of Bosny Flat Clear, which is a matte coat that is rough enough to allow the pastel chalk to easily cling on to it. The pastel chalks I bought at a local art supply store for about $1.50. I used an X-Acto blade to scrape off the pastel into a fine dust then I used a brush to brush the ground powder onto the parts I wanted weathered. Aside from creating the soot marks and oil stains, I used the powdered color black pastel to darken the shade of the Pylox Singa Green on the model. Didn't like the light shade of the said Singa Green.
After that I applied a coat of Bosny Clear Flat (a flat coat) to seal the powder in. In cases of mistakes when applying the pastel I used an eraser to remove the unwanted marks.
First time for me to try this fully on a model aircraft kit so I really overdid it. Something that I have to develop is the modeler's eye, which can tell whether you are over doing something or not. And like with all things, that can only be acquired by practice.