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Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Death of Roos Tarpals

The Death of Roos Tarpals

This is kinda an old post, forgot to write it up. Episode 4 of Season 4 of the Clone Wars had a very shocking ending for me. That was because of the death of Roos Tarpals. In Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, he was the level headed friend of Jar Jar Binks who helped his friend stay out of trouble. By the time of Season 4 of The Clone Wars series, Roos Tarpals had risen to the rank of general of the Gungan Army.

The Death of Roos Tarpals

In the said episode, Boss Lyonie, the head of the Gungans, comes under the spell of Rish Loo who is working for Count Dooku. In a sudden turn of events, Boss Lyonie is incapacitated when Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker work to remove him from the spell that Rish Loo has placed him under. Because of the similarity between Lyonie and Jar Jar Binks, Jar Jar impersonates Lyonie. During this subterfuge they chance upon the opportunity to capture General Grevious as he arrives with his army thinking that Lyonie is still under the spell of Rish Loo.

I liked Roos Tarpals a lot because of his loyalty to his bungling friend, so it was really sad for me to see him go. He went out gallantly though, by fighting it out with General Grievous. He was terribly outclassed by the skilled warrior but he sacrificed himself so that the General could be captured.