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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Revisiting 1/72 VF-25G Valkyrie Messiah Part II

1/72 VF-25 Messiah Valkyrie Rebuild
Nice weather yesterday so was able to do some flat coat painting on the 1/72 VF-25G Valkyrie Messiah that I was retouching. Took me a lot quicker to clean the kit as there wasn't much dust found on it. Afterwards did the initial painting of the Bosny Flat clear. Waited about 1 and a half hours for that to dry then proceeded with the panel lining with a 0.5 mm mechanical pencil.

1/72 VF-25 Messiah Valkyrie Rebuild
For painting, I detached the head, arms, shield, hands and the side armor found at the hips of the VF-25G. Didn't bother to disassemble anything else for fear of breaking the part.
1/72 VF-25 Messiah Valkyrie Rebuild
Took me about an hour to panel line those parts then afterwards coat it with a sealing coat of Bosny Clear Flat. I wanted to proceed with working on the main body but my neck was already killing me from the strain of being in one position for a long time. It must be a sign of old age *snicker*
1/72 VF-25 Messiah Valkyrie Rebuild
Below is the shot of the side armor with panel lining already added to it. Will continue again with the build once I have time and the weather is good. Yesterday the weather was sunny, but come evening rain fell on us. So who knows about today?
1/72 VF-25 Messiah Valkyrie Rebuild

One thing has to be said about the 1/72 VF-25 Valkyrie Messiah line of Bandai, is that its really rich in panel lines. Not just on the out side but in the inner parts as well. Am not expecting to finish this by today either, especially because of that fact... hehehe

Part III of this build can be found here.