Part VII of this build could be found here. Got cracking again on the 1/100 GN-006 Gundam Cherudim from Gundam 00 Season 2. First thing I worked on was the gun camera cover on the forehead. Weather was fine and sunny, a bit breezy but it was manageable, all I had to do was wait for the wind to die down before depressing the spray can... ever had paint blow back at you because of a breeze? trust me its not a fun experience *snicker*
In my previous post I painted the back of the gun camera cover (because its a clear part) with Tamiya Acrylic red. I wasn't satisfied with the effect so I decided to ditch that and just go ahead and coat it with pylox fire red (industrial spray can). Afterwards I coated it with Pylox clear. Good enough for me, as long as the inner critic in me is satisfied, that's all I really care about.
Is it even proper to call it that? Gun camera should be on the gun right? But this one is on the forehead. Technically its a scope used to aim the gun, so I guess its proper for me to call it then... ehh, enough of semantics.
Next part I worked on was the tailbone structure where the GN drive and most of the shield bits are housed. Nothing much to do here really since I had already dione the detailing with Gundam Marker Grey a couple weeks back. All I had to do with this was to coat it with some Bosny Clear Flat to give it a matte finish.
Some panel lines I forgot to color on the feet> The sole part I colored again with Gundam Marker Grey. The lines I did with a 0.5mm mechanical pencil. I don't even know what grade the pencil was, looked like an HB to me. Before I used the pencil I had to coat it with Bosny Clear Flat so that the pencil mark could grip well onto the plastic.
Here's the Gundam Cherudim with the shield bits attached. Next part I'm going to be working on is the sniper rifle, planning to detail it up with the Gundam Marker Grey again to give it a little bit of contrast from the dark metallic color it was painted with.
Had a little boo-boo with the two pistols that are staples of the Gundam Cherudim. I over painted it, now it looks ugly. I got too consumed with the spray covering up a deep recess that I hadn't noticed that I was over spraying it already. Worse comes to worst, I might have to strip the paint... gaahhh!
Completed pictures of this model kit can be found here.