Posted on Yamato Toy's website is the TAC Fighter from Starship Troopers. You can usually see the TAC Fighter in the movie doing the bombing runs on the bugs at Planet P. The kit will cost 13,440 yen and will be released by March of 2010. According to the product page the production run is limited to 1000 and that the fighter length is 110 mm. The resin stand that comes with the kit will have a serial number to indicate its production number.
This is kinda off tangent a bit from the normal posts on this blog but I just had to point it out. That's because I loved so much the Starship Troopers movie by Paul Verhooven. The same director who gave us such cult classics as Robocop, Total Recall and Basic Instinct. Not to mention that it was the movie that introduced us to the very pretty pre-Charlie Sheen Denise Richards.
Everytime this movie gets shown on HBO I just can't help but watch it in its entirety, despite having the DVD already in my collection. This is definitely one movie that gets a giggle out of my wife because of how I seem to be attracted to it.
Of course when I started reading the actual book by Robert A. Heinlein I found out that the book is really a political one set in the science fiction genre. Too bad I never got to finish reading the book because my Palm's batteries died out already and could not be resuscitated
I can't but help ponder either whether Starship Troopers had a hand in influencing the development of Mobile Suit Gundam in an indirect way? Since in the book the Mobile Infantry unit that the protagonist, Johnny Rico, served in used powered suits that enhanced the soldier's movements and allowed them to be dropped from space onto the surface of the planet.